Sunday, May 11, 2008

Obama on track to White House.

I was analyzing the race for democratic nomination between senator clinton and obama today. Obama is poised to become nominee, but the race is pretty close. It is probably first time the race for the nomination is that close. Obama is not building support among low-income less educated white americans. But I am confident as time rolls on to the fall, obama will build enough support and broad based coalition to win elections in fall. Obama is good for america and the world, he will be a great symbolic change to america and the world, that symbolic change can drive an hope and change to the entire world. With a huge political capital, he can indeed govern America with good policies and change the direction of this country.
If you check democratic elections, roughly every 15 years, democrats give rise to a young star who leads the party to presidency. FDR rose in 1930's and Kennedy in 1960's and carter in 1976 and clinton in 92 and now obama in 2008.
Obama is on track to white house, he need to manage his campaign positively, come up with more detailed policy and contrast himself with mccain and bush.

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