Thursday, May 22, 2008

Power of Communication

I must tell you that the power of communication is immense. It changes the perception about you. I have seen guys who don't look powerful, articulate when you see them, But when they open their mouth to speak, you are awe-struck by their communication skills, by their articulation and presentation of their views.
Like any other skill, Communication skills can be improved, but it needs lot of practice,patience and conscious effort. Today I ordered a audio tapes on amazon to improve my communication skills and reduce my accent. Today I found a website( I spent couple of hours on this website, so far it seems to be interesting. I need to explore it more, before I can say with authority if it's useful website.
Their are three components to communication, one how you formulate your ideas, how you communicate them and how you review and improve them. It should be evolving process, where you constantly evaluate yourself and learn from mistakes and improve yourself.

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